Musicians are a very enthusiastic and often athletic sort, from the guitarist that tried a “windmill” while jumping up and down and found that stages are slippery or drummers that thought knocking over their set for a fantastic finish make for a painful landing if they weren’t careful- stage acrobatics can cause a quick end to a show or delay a tour. As a Drummer, I had my fair share of bumps, bruises, strains and sprains, and I have to say it is no picnic, finding an ER or a clinic at 1am after an incident at a show is not easy either. I have had to keep a major first aid kit with my gear, but never had an easy to use pain relief that would allow me to keep going through a show if I had a fall or accident. Now, some years later I have found one such product, it is the results of major pain relief research and is simple to use and does the job, it is called Physicool™, and I have to admit it is a true wonder.
Physicool™ is a new and unique, stretchable, reusable bandage that combines cooling, compression and support to affected areas. The physicool™ cooling compression wrap provides full coverage of the pain infected body part by cooling and drawing heat out through rapid evaporation, as opposed to other products that work by driving cold in. Physicool™ provides instant treatment for inflammation and bruising of muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is highly effective and quickly reduces swelling and pain. One full treatment lasts for 2 - 3 hours.
physicool™ gives instant treatment for inflammation and bruising of muscles, tendons and ligaments combined with a long lasting cooling effect, even after the bandage has been removed. Physicool™ has been used on thousands of individuals covering a wide range of disciplines, all of whom have found it to be an excellent source of relief. Picture this, you are at a show, your roadie has left a cable untied and you trip during sound check, now you have an ankle that’s throbbing and only an hour until show time, what do you do? You reach for the first aid kit and get the Physicool™, and within a few moments, you are back in action and rocking the night.
While researching this article, I had a sample of Physicool™ which I gave to a drummer I know in NY and told him to try it out, knowing he suffered from a bad elbow condition from a sport related injury. Turns out that 2 days later while playing a gig, one of his monitors on stands collapsed and on the way to the floor the equipment struck his injured elbow, he was taken from the stage and there was no ER in the area, he remembered the Physicool™ sample I sent to him and immediately applied it to his injury, he followed the instructions and proceeded to find the emergency room. He told me his main concern was they had another show the next day and was worried that he would have to cancel. He kept the injured elbow wrapped in the Physicool™ treatment and was finally able to get to the ER in the next township, the ER doctor examined his elbow and said that the treatment he used arrested the damage and kept his injury from getting worse. In short, he was not only in great shape with what could have been a major injury, but the use of the Physicool™ treatment, in his words “Saved my arm, the tour and possibly my career”.
Physicool™ is a proven treatment for existing injuries as well as a useful quick response to any situation that could happen on stage, and it would be an intelligent addition to any musician that is on tour or performing shows. Used by the Center for Athletic Medicine and sports teams like the Chicago Bulls, LA Clippers, Minnesota Timberwolves and St. Joseph's University to assist their treasured athletes injuries, Physicool™ is now available to everyone at and in various sizes and applications.
Physicool™, originally developed for athletes is now a new friend to musicians, roadies and performers worldwide, don’t take a chance with your health, add Physicool™ to your first aid kit, stage kit and keep it close, the best musician is the prepared musician.
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