Porter & Davies are delighted to announce that drumming guru, Jojo Mayer, has just become the latest endorsee of the BC Gigster, the revolutionary drum monitoring system. For years Jojo Mayer has astounded audiences with his unique combination of searing technique and musical innovation. He is regarded by many as a bass drum pioneer, famous for his ability to play the rhythms of programmed drum ‘n’ bass music on acoustic drums – something he calls reverse engineering! He is renowned for playing beats at astonishing speeds using heel-toe bass drum technique and the Moeller stroke. It compensated for the environment I was playing in, providing a more relaxed feel of the drums. It inspired me to perform with more dynamic and better placement of the bass drum, I can’t wait to take it out on the road.’
Talking about his recent use of the BC Gigster during some recording sessions Jojo commented that it had ‘added to the low end of my kit and opened up a lot of space and room to my bass drum playing.
The highly portable BC Gigster drum-monitoring systems convert signals from a bass drum microphone (or toms/snare/bass guitar/electronic drum kit) into physical sound, which the drummer feels and hears internally through a patented drum throne. To quote Jojo ‘careful, it may be addictive!’
To find out more about the BC2, BC2rm and BC Gigster as well as all the Porter & Davies endorsees, please visit www.porteranddavies.co.uk.
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