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Friday, October 3, 2014

Guitars for Wounded Warriors - A Tribute to Valor and a Salute to Freedom

1926CD / Album Review: Brian Tarquin & Heavy Friends – Guitars for Wounded Warriors

Review by Joseph Timmons: Xombiewoof Magazine 

It is said that a man’s courage is not judged by the way commands, but by the way he defends. It today’s world there is turmoil, grief and war… the devastation is immense and there are men and women of this country that give everything, sometimes all, to defend our way of life. They leave young, bright and energetic, only to return worn and aged well beyond their years, often scarred beyond sight, we have come to call these heroes “Wounded Warriors”, the silent centurions that make it possible for us to sleep safely and love our freedoms. The sacrifice of these people is far greater than some of us could imagine, yet they give without reward, until now.

Brian Tarquin & Heavy Friends – Guitars for Wounded Warriors is a stunning and highly emotional instrumental tribute to those brave souls that came home, and those that did not and is without words a story that tells the tale of every lost solder from every conflict with every note of each string touched. This album was created, composed, produced by Brian Tarquin and with an amazing repertory of Guitar legends Billy Sheehan, Steve Morse, Bumblefoot, Red Beach, Gary Hoey, Chris Poland, Hal Lindes, Chuck Loeb, Alex De Rosso and the Flyin’ Ryan Bros, bring forth in a musical majesty a symphonic thank you and salute to the people that are all too often forgotten, yet never stay from duty and service.

Each artist is featured in various tracks as the lead, but they work together, a “Band of Brothers” with no compromise, Guitars for Wounded Warriors is not only a great collection of premier artists do what they love to do, but doing it for the love of the ideal that all are created equal, and all have the right to be remembered for their contribution to this grand experiment called America and for all that are proud to salute this nations principles of Life, Liberty and Truth.

I may be waxing poetic, but this album stirs the very heart of the listener, the musical imagery is indescribable and the emotional context fills you with thoughts of glory as well as compassion, nobility and grace to shed a tear for our defenders of peace.

Guitars for Wounded Warriors is available to purchase on Amazon and iTunes, you should visit the website for Brian Tarquin for more information about his legendary career.

I strongly recommend this album for the Guitar Music and Instrumental enthusiast, lovers of great music and for those that believe in the values we hold dear, the values that the warriors defend daily.

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