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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Electric Wake: Anthem of a Generation Living in an Angry World


10301606_703024043072234_2209153798077030352_nAlbum Review: Electric Wake – New Album by Ronny Munroe

Album Review by Joseph Timmons: Xombiewoof Magazine

The name Ronny Munroe is not new to the Metal Music world, as front man for the infamous foundation group Metal Church, his skill and abilities are legendary. Recently, Metal Church released “Generation Nothing” with Ronny at the head of the Juggernaut; once again, his voice brought new life into the music world, which in my opinion has been awash in mediocrity and lack of vision.

10006914_684135801627725_1229300418_nNow, Ronny has come forth from the studio and has given to us his latest Solo Album Electric Wake, which is as far from a eulogy in verse as it could be. Electric Wake is raw power in lyric and verse, musically striking and has given a new standard to reach for many would be thrashers.

11 tracks of pure energy, dark visions and harmonic greatness, Electric Wake floods your ears with the talents and collaborations of guitar legend George Lynch, guitarist Dave Rude of Tesla, the metal worlds femme fatal Pamela Moore (Queensrÿche’s "Sister Mary"), Paul Kleff (ex Firewolfe), David Donigian, Sean Baker and Tony Rossi, making this an album of epic proportions. Ronny Munroe's Electric Wake delivers as promised.

Ronny Munroe's Electric Wake is offered as his best work to date, I would say this is more of a tempting taste, a sinister sample of what is to come! Produced by Bruce Bouillet and mixed by Jon Wyman, Electric Wake is the 4th solo album by Ronny Munroe, capturing all the magic of the classic metal genre as well as setting new marks, which others will try to copy, but will never duplicate.


Ronny Munroe–United

In a statement, Ronny has said "I wanted to create something that was totally new, but at the same time allow all my influences to shine through". Ronny further elaborated "I put two years into the writing process of this album, but when it came time to start recording, I threw everything out the window and just went with my gut and it worked out better than I could have imagined".


Ronny Munroe's Electric Wake is not only a soon to be keystone in any Metal Collection, but it is further proof that Rat Pak Records, which seemingly came from the shadows as a small independent label is actually the new vanguard of original and innovative Metal, with artists like Beasto Blanco, George Lynch, Lynch Mob, KXM, T&N, Pamela Moore, Jeff Labar and Many others, making their catalog of albums some of the most sought after and ingenious collaborations of artists that made the Metal World what it is today. If you want to hear what Rat Pak has to offer, simply visit their Soundcloud and hear for yourself what the future of Metal holds.


Listen to Ronny Munroe give tribute to Ronnie James Dio with his rendition of “Man on the Silver Mountain“ from his prior hit album "The Fire Within"

To get Electric Wake, go to and order direct, and go to Rat Pak Records to get more info, updates, tour info and to hear other great artists. Follow Ronny Munroe on Facebook.


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