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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Me, Myself & I by Stephen Anthony Gregory : Instrumental Metal at it’s Most Magical

The Harmonic Resonance of a Single Soul

Stephen Anthony Gregory 01Album Review:

Me, Myself & I by Stephen Anthony Gregory

Available on Sword & Cross Records

Review by Joseph Timmons: Xombiewoof Magazine

In the Rock & Roll world, there are many that would claim to be one with their guitar, flesh and fiber, string and sinew, bridge and bone. Few have the right to say they have achieved the greatness in playing that comes with the pouring of blood and sweat over red hot tubes and screaming amplifiers. Legends like Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jimi Page and the handful of artists that can sing through their instrument. Yet, there is a name that for over 20 years has been playing furiously in the shadows and the mists of the storms of Melodic Metal, a place where the instrumental elements and their gods play and delight in perfect pitch, his name is Stephen Anthony Gregory.

One would think from this opening, you may believe either I really like his playing, or that I have found a new writing style similar to Dungeons and Dragons Novels, well my friends have no fear, I am still in control of my faculties, but in truth, Stephen Anthony Gregory’s recent album “Me, Myself & I “is an amazing and unfortunately brief work of Harmonic Instrumental Metal that is rich, vibrant and leaves you wanting more.

album cover 02

As an artist without pretention and the power to back up his demeanor as an innovative and professional guitarist, he has a unique style that sounds like no other in his genre, yet is hauntingly familiar and hypnotic. Stephen Anthony Gregory has been recognized for his talents and plays to an audience that is never disappointed. On “Me, Myself & I “you get a taste of what he is capable of and this album is definitive in a time where good music is hard to find. A native to the California Coast, Stephen has title one of the songs Old Avila, an instrumental tribute to Avila Beach but more than just a memory piece, its meter rolls in and out like a tide, washing away the past, forcing you to capture the moment created in the notes, and committing them to memory. The music is awash with harmonics, yet disciplined and note for note accurate,

I feel the most powerful piece on this 4 song album is the opening track is “Red Light, White Light” but not to diminish the importance of the last 2 tracks, Me, Myself & I” is one to admire, one might think there is a message in the brevity of the album, like life, it is the moment in which we live, but immortalized in the memory, never to fade, never forgotten.

Visit Stephen Anthony Gregory at his website and listen to the 2 tracks posted to his Soundcloud page, you can also find him on Facebook.

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