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Monday, January 27, 2014

Amon Amarth, Seven Witches In Prime Time Interviews On WVOX's Metal Mayhem This Friday


amonSwedish metal kings Amon Amarth will be Matt O'Shaughnessy's and Tony Gizzo's very special live guest this Friday, January 31st at 7;05pm EST exclusively on Worldwide an 1460 AM in New York.

The band will talk about their ninth studio album, Deceiver Of The Gods on Metal Blade Records. "We knew we wanted a more a more aggressive, live feeling to this record but there's no formula behind what we do", says the band. "We just try to write something that takes us a step further than the last record, and is something that will excite us and our fans." Now thrashing the globe in their twenty-second year, Amon Amarth will also talk with WVOX about their return to the New York stage at The Paramount in Huntington, NY on Febuary 5th. Fans will also have the chance to win tickets to the show during the broadcast. 

7witchesThen at 9:10pm, WVOX proudly welcomes legendary American metallers Seven Witches, led by guitarist Jack Frost.

The band, which will be live in studio 1B, will feature tracks from their latest release Rebirth, recorded at Canyon Music in Tom's River, New Jersey. Seven Witches' ninth studio album and the follow-up to 2011's Call Upon The Wicked disc features the current line-up of guitarist Jack Frost, Ronnie Parkes on bass, Johnny Kelly on drums, and Anthony Cross on vocals.

"Our goal is to bring you something unpredictable that you can sink your teeth into and walk away feeling 'til the next morning'.



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