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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

CD Review: elleeven-Her Wildcat Lovin’ Majesty


just_because_cover_1253903219Reviewed by Joseph Timmons: Xombiewoof Magazine

Her Wildcat Lovin’ Majesty is available on Hot Sauce Records, produced by Protégé, Anthony Lee, DJ Swamp and Ellee Ven- you can get it through the artist’s web site -

Her Wildcat Lovin’ Majesty by elleeven, is a wildly delicious mix of hip rhythms, house music blends and rapping hijinks that is enjoyable and downright thrilling!

Upbeat and perky, her voice is smooth, hypnotic, mesmerizing and sexy. The mixes on the tracks are flawless and have both street influenced textures and classic musical balance, some have rock oriented styling where others have euro-techno pop, but are not overplayed or overindulgent. This artist takes her music seriously, but makes it fun and bright. Some tracks have deep and mysterious undertones that draw you in, while others take you on a smooth soulful ride, I could not help bouncing to the beat and chair dancing while typing this review, the music is as beautiful as Ellee Ven herself, and she is hot!

I found myself particularly fond of the track “Here”, is it a love song? Is it a tormented and jilted lover’s cry or the song of a woman possessed by love? Either way, the song is way too short but oh so sweet and nails you, it lays you out.

The track “Time and Trial” reminds of the old spy movie theme songs that get you ready for a visual thrill ride of action and adventure, Her Wildcat Lovin’ Majesty does just that, get ready because this lady is going to take you out and make you scream…………for more!

1 comment:

  1. Ive heard this album and would definitely agree that Here is one of my favorite tracks.


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