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Monday, February 11, 2013

Haunted By Heroes Featured In Exclusive Interview On WVOX's Metal Mayhem This Friday


Host Matt O'Shaughnessy welcomes Haunted By Heroes live to WVOX's Metal Mayhem this Friday, February 15th at 8:20pm EST on Worldwide and 1460 AM in a prime time feature interview.

The world's youngest rock band, Haunted By Heroes, are growing up in Pacifica, California. They became best friends at a daycare center when they were 3 years old. These four kids are rocking it out on stage from Candlestick Park to the Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles.

Haunted By Heros


As the youngest band to ever perform at the legendary Whisky, these boys continue to pick up media steam. The group was discovered by manager Brent Turner (whose former band once rocked the fabled Sunset Strip ) and Turner set up tours along the west coast where Haunted By Heroes perform for a variety of audiences and venues.
This summer, Haunted By Heroes recorded their debut album with legendary and multi platinum record producer Sylvia Massy.


Currently entering the seventh grade, life has changed for Haunted By Heroes. They sign autographs for young fans, tour, practice, and answer questions for the media. One thing is for sure - these kids have proven they can hang with the big boys. Metal Mayhem airs every Friday from 6-10pm and can now be viewed on live webcam from anywhere in the world on

See More Videos of this Young but Awesome Band at


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